About Us

Divyansh Homoeo Clinic
Since 2005

 Dr. Yogesh D Patil

Divyansh Homoeo Clinic
 Dr. Yogesh D Patil

At Divyansh Homoeo Clinic we provide homeopathic treatment for many chronic diseases like Foot Corn, Piles, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Hyperacidity, Constipation. Asthma, Allergiic Rhinitis, Tonsillitis. Kidney stones, Recurrent UTI. Foot corn Eczema, chronic fungal infection, Pimples, With homeopathy we have seen very good results for patients suffering with problems like Hair Fall, and many skin infections and allergies. Homeopathy medicines are also effective for gynecological problems such as Irregular and painful menstruation, DUB, leucorrhoea & Complaints related to menopause, Children related Problems such as Bed-wetting etc

What do we do ?

We come across different types of patients and their problems each and every day at Divyansh Homoeo Clinic. Our patients talk about their experience with the disease they suffered with, and the relief they found with homeopathic treatment at Divyansh Homoeo Clinic. Here we are posting few of the reviews/feedback that we received through various channels.

• Foot Corn

• Hair Loss

• Migraine

• Piles, Fisher, Fistula

• Kidney Stone

• Warts

• Eczema

• Irritatable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

• Pimples (Acne)

• Allergies

• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

• Polycystic ovary syndrome (pcod/pcos)

• Menstrual Problems


Our Team


Phone: +91 9823667065

Email: [email protected]

Divyansh Homoeo Clinic